Here With Me, co-written and produced by veteran producer Bryan Ford, is a breezy love song accented by acoustic guitar riffs. Darcy M’s beautiful lyrics and vocals are on full display. The song channels the tension we all have felt when we want to express our love to someone for the first time.
Fracasso is a lazy summertime dance groove with Darcy M on vocals backed by a full band led by co-songwriter and producer Kevin Ford (Chicago Afrobeat Project) who plays the Rhodes on the track. Bryan Ford is on guitar.
The third track, hase Me, s the most electronic song on the EP, delving into nu disco territory, but with pop appeal. Kevin Ford’s production showcases Darcy M’s dance music range and the power of her vocals.
The last track on the EP, 8, pens with Darcy M singing, “On a Sunday afternoon, I could lay by you.” The song’s vivid imagery sets the scene for another incredible summertime love song. It ends with a neo-psychedelic, backwards guitar solo by Bryan Ford. was also produced by Kevin Ford and performed by a full band.